Skype/VoIP phone adapter
If you have questions – my contacts are:
- Name: Vitali Virulaine
- email:
- MSN:
- ICQ: 106999267
- Google Talk:
Pictures on the last page
or USB version (you don’t need external or battery supply) |
It’s a very cheap Skype/VoIP interface to your wired or wireless phone.
Just imagine: You can walk with your wireless phone chatting with Skype friends for free, you can make free call to your mom if she is connected to the Internet. You can make your telephone network with servises, voicemail, etc and chat there using your old phone. Skype wireless phones are expensive, VoIP adapters cost ~$60, but you can make it for free if your have details.. from old TV, Radio or other electronics.
You can use such variants as:
1. Using your own PBX (Computer-based telephone station).
Old PC computer as server in your basement and wired/wireless phone.
Software: Windows XP + VMware (running Asterisk@Home 2) + X-Lite softphone + this interface + wired/wireless phone.
- Most configurable system, dialplans, billing systems, text-to-speech, web-access, web-administration, operator panels and many many other things with Asterisk PBX.
- Walk around the house with wireless phone and speaking for free with your friends.
- Requires skills with Asterisk, Linux, VMware.
- Requires fast PC with many RAM for VMware emulating.
- Always running PC consumes electricity
2. Using Skype
PC + Skype + this interface + wired/wireless phone.
- Very simple.
- Walk around the house with wireless phone and speaking for free with your friends.
- Use only Skype network, you cannot make your own telephone empire
- Always running PC consumes electricity
3. Using X-Lite softphone
PC+ X-Lite + this interface + wired/wireless phone.
- VoIP SIP calls , if your have own running Asterisk server in your telephone empire it can be useful, or use your VoIP operator.
- Walk around the house with wireless phone and speaking for free with your friends.
- Always running PC consumes electricity
1st variant: Using your own PBX (Computer-based telephone station).
You need:
Windows, VMware, Asterisk@Home,Chat-Cord@DialerXT (1.1.0), X-Lite ( 2.0.1103a)
- Make new virtual machine in VMware->Typical->Linux->Give a name for example A@H2-> Next, next, next…
- Double click on CD-ROM in Properties of this Virtual Machine, choose Use ISO Image, choose your downloaded Asterisk@home iso.
- Run virtual machine, clicking Play button.
- Asterisk@Home automatically installs. Default account is root, password is password
- When you log in, you will see your IP address or type ifconfig.
- You can access there using browser, for example AMP account is maint and password is password
- Make SIP account in sip.conf for your softphone X-Lite (http://your.server.ip -> Asterisk Management Portal (AMP) ->Maintenance -> Config Edit -> sip.conf and insert this:
callerid="Your Name "
201 is your new number, secret = 201 is your password. You can add friend to your network using same things. OK, click Update, click /etc/asterisk at top to return to folder
- Make extension for your softphone X-Lite in extensions.conf
exten => 201,1,Ringing
exten => 201,2,Dial(SIP/201,40)
exten => 201,3,Voicemail(u${EXTEN})
exten => 201,4,Hangup
exten => 201,102,Voicemail(b${EXTEN})
exten => 201,103,Hangup
- Install and run your X-Lite, in properties put your username and password what you have entered below, SIP Proxy IP. Make sure that it works.
- Now Xlite can use your VoIP server for making calls to your friends
- Connect your home-made adapter to your Mic input and Speaker out and to your wired/wireless phone
- Install and configure Chat-Cord@DialerXT. Now when it is calibrated you can dial and speak using your wired/wireless phone.
- Enjoy it

2nd variant: Using Skype
You need:
Windows, Skype, Chat-Cord@DialerSK (2.1.0)
- Connect your home-made adapter to your Mic input and Speaker out and to your wired/wireless phone
- Install and configure Chat-Cord@DialerSK. Now when it is calibrated you can dial and speak using your wired/wireless phone.
- Enjoy
3rd variant: Using X-Lite softphone
You need:
Windows, Chat-Cord@DialerXT (1.1.0), X-Lite ( 2.0.1103a)
- Connect your home-made adapter to your Mic input and Speaker out and to your wired/wireless phone
- Install and configure Chat-Cord@DialerXT. Now when it is calibrated you can dial and speak using your wired/wireless phone.
- Enjoy
This article has been reposted with the permission of the author.
The original article can be found
November 24th, 2005 at 15:57
Thanks for the information I did mio asks when receipt a call of skype must sound the bell of the telefonico apparatus? . for that software I must install not to be listened to when I use I telephone? Install the software of the adapter but it does not recognize the keyboard to me that can be.
Santiago de Chile
Gracias por la informacion la hice el mio pregunta cuando recibo una llamada de skype debe sonar la campanilla del aparato telefonico ?? . para esto que software debo instalar No me escuchar cuando utilizo el telefono ?? Instale el software del adaptador pero no me reconoce el teclado que puede ser.
Santiago de Chile
November 29th, 2005 at 12:14
sir I try to connect a 12 volts direct to power supply of my pc instead of
9v battereis is not workig it is possible to work my analog phone pls. help me.
if you have video guide how to assemble un analogphone for skype pls send me to .Thank you very much
November 29th, 2005 at 15:24
jess: If it only works with a battery (for some people that’s the only way to get it to work) then I would do just that. Use a battery and skip the usb / 12v solution.
There’s no video guide but the information in the article should be enough for you to understand how to make it.
November 29th, 2005 at 17:08
AFAIK, shield contacts (mic&spk out) are connected together in the sound card? Then what is the function of 500 Ohm resistor, it’s contacts are connected throu the sound card … And what does the right picture (2 jacks) mean? What jack’s contacts must be used?
December 1st, 2005 at 9:16
I tried this circuit, and it works like a charm. Assembled two of them, for two diferent phones, and the sound was really cheasy in one of them, but cristal clear in the other one. Nevertheless, what’s up with the 500 ohm pot, it doesn’t make any difference when you adjust it, so on the second circuit i just replaced it with a 400-something OHM resistor. PS, i integrated the circuits into the bases of the phones, and used power from their powersupplies, witch leaves me with only two cables sticking out the back and into my PC.
Gonna try to take some shots later on, but my camera just died, R.I.P.
December 1st, 2005 at 21:02
Resistors : 100 ohms – how many watts ? 0.5 watt ?
Rheostat : 500 ohms – how many watts ? is wattage relevent here ?
Capacitors : 3.3 uf – how many volts ? what are the maximum and minimum permissable values ?
If i am unable to get non-polarised capacitors, how do i deal with the polarisation ?
December 4th, 2005 at 0:23
can you explain me please what it mean usb1 + usb2. isn’t it the same ?
December 4th, 2005 at 16:55
to “transform” 5 V to 10 V. a phone needs at least 9 V to work.
5V + 5V = 10 V simple, huh?
but I have a BIG question: Probably the same as Gori’s)
Specs to all the components?
capacitors: what kind?
resistors: how many watts? etc.
and if someone would make a a working pack with all the components, i would buy it. (christmas- present, see?)
December 12th, 2005 at 17:46
I have build the adapter and found it working satisfactory. Used the following.
1. Old rotary dial phone (no active components)
2. 100 ohm Resistors used 1Watt type (1/2 watts are ok)
3. Large Carbon type 500 ohm variable resistance is ok. I set it in the middle position about 250 ohms.
4. Capacitors are 3.3uf/25 volt Bipolar type (these are small).
5. It worked ok with 9Volt battery but later replaced with
an old mobile (cellphone) adapter rated at 11 volts.
(any 9v to 12v type is ok)
(if you use this type of adapter then place 1000Uf/25 volt capacitor to smooth the power supply) It seems convenient/efficient solution instead of USB type.
December 16th, 2005 at 0:27
I think it will be possible to use this adapter with existing phone line and use its power(48VDC) instead battery. I can use old’s modem board with phone connectors, first use to connect phone, second to connect phone line. Can someone help me to select wright components for such configuration?
December 18th, 2005 at 1:16
Can you explain how to wire microphone and speaker out to the circuit? I almost complete this project accept these parts. Thanks.
December 21st, 2005 at 9:20
using Iftikhar Ahmad list, ive builed the cuircet but all i got was loopback on the phone,
my guess is that the mic/spkr are not connected correctly on my board
on mic connection ===|==|==>
ive connected ^ ^
the middle and end tip | |
on spk connection ===|==|==>
ive connected ^ ^
the base and end | |
any suggestions ?
December 21st, 2005 at 12:10
tamir: It sounds to me that there’s something else wrong then the connectors, so check your circuit again. Regarding the mic connection, you can try to connect it as you’ve connected the speaker connector. That’s how I did it.
December 21st, 2005 at 22:07
Thanx for the tip Chris
I am really new in building electric stuff so its figures youre right but
I have checked the diagram and the board and couldn’t find anything wrong
Could you shed some light on the diagram ?
I tried switching the capacetors connection direction but it didn’t got me any forther,
I used your tip on the mic/spk connection as follows:
The mic is connected using a sterio connector the base and middle segment are connected to the
board while the end tip (white usally) is not connected at all (is there any diffference wich direction ?)
The spk is connected also using a sterio connector and the base and middle segment
are conneted to the board and here also the end tip isn’t connected.
still all i get when i plug the board is a loopback on the phone i can hear myself speak but nothing is
is identified on my PC (iv’e tryed MS-recorder for mic check and playing an mp3 for spkr check)
HELP Please
December 26th, 2005 at 3:35
Try EVErY posibillity with the jacks maybe?
the jack settings are for MONO only so… if you want stereo phone out then you need to connect left and right at the same line logically.
Have ordered the parts now! Weee!
Pictures on the settings will be delivered as soon as get finish! (using the easy way – my server with skype and the software Chris released on the other skype – pstn hack)
btw the adapter will be putted INSIDE the pc case, with a rj 11 plug out as a normal card!
nifty eh?
December 27th, 2005 at 11:52
Ref tamir post,If using stereo plugs and cables for mic/spkr, at the adapter end, the ground wire goes to the screen of sockets, tip and middle points are looped and connected to other connection.You can use multimeter to verify the connections.
December 30th, 2005 at 6:02
I suspect that the circuit takes more current than a single USB port is able to supply, hence the second USB port (?)
Rather than tying up two USB ports, a quality AC/DC 9V adapter would probably work just as well, and leave your USB ports opened for other purposes.
January 1st, 2006 at 11:23
got it to work here are the settings (from a eletronic-newbee)
1. the capacitors are direction oriented – hence you must connect them on the right polarity
the (-) is marked on the capacetor by a gray band at one side
2. the phone jack is to direction oriented make shure the right pin goes to the right whire
3. the mic connection are as followes: middle segment to one whire and tip segment to th other (orientionless)
4. the speaker connection is as follows: base segment to one whire and middle+tip to the other (alsow orientionless)
5. iv’e placed all the cuircit on a board and put it into an old logitech-mouse i had laying around for a case …pictures will follow soon
January 1st, 2006 at 12:08
if my phone does not need a power supply what do i need to build an adaptor,
January 1st, 2006 at 20:10
the battery must work as an amplifier, i think
so i’d perfer using a battery instead of the usb ports, because then you’ll have one noise source less 😛
two usb’s for AMPLIFYING TO 10 VOLTS! 5 + 5 = 10. serial wired, does that say something to you?
January 7th, 2006 at 15:38
I’ve just finished to assembly my interface.
It is working perfectly but the sound is a little bit low and the other side also complained about the volume low.
I think that this is normal using a resistive bridge, only using a transformer the volume will be perfect.
Any way I am very satisfied with the circuit.
Very good.
January 14th, 2006 at 16:26
I have the same experience with the sound. Can anybody tell me how to solve this?
January 17th, 2006 at 10:42
Hi Chris, this circuit really works! I tried it on my wireless existing phone and incoming calls made using skype
sounds clear and totally lack of background noise, except it sounds faint somewhat from the calling party.
January 17th, 2006 at 23:16
Just connect a simple lm324 op amp ( or simple single stage transistor amp at the speaker end. Amplification should be between X5 and X10. It’s that simple and it works.
January 20th, 2006 at 12:37
Anybody can come out with a ringing tone circuit to notify when skype phone rings? I think that would be cool.
January 21st, 2006 at 1:20
Ok. Guys! Look at this circuit. It’s phone rings.
January 22nd, 2006 at 17:43
why not use an adsl filter as a case???
January 22nd, 2006 at 17:44
and can you use a spare mobile phone
January 27th, 2006 at 15:53
Guys, anybody tried gettting it work on a mobile phone? I mean change the cable that plug to RJ11 to hook up to a mobile phone instead?
January 30th, 2006 at 16:06
The two USB connectors are wired in parallel, so 5+5 =5 volts, not 10. Does that say something to you? I hope so.
Anyway, USB lines can be very noisy. A cheap 6 volt lantern battery from the supermarket won’t generate noise and will last for a very long time.
Also, the purpose of the 500 ohm variable resistor is to adjust the load impedance to 600 ohms, as seen by the phone. It can’t do this if it is shorted out by the microphone ground, as it is in the diagram and as pointed out by other readers already. Obviously the diagram was copied incorrectly. The microphone ground should be connected to the same place as the speaker ground, not to the RJ12 socket*. In that case the circuit will work as intended.
* RJ12=phone socket. RJ11=handset socket, slightly narrower. Yes I like to split hairs. Try fitting a RJ12 plug into an RJ11 socket and you will find out why.
February 10th, 2006 at 6:32
I made this circuit and it appeared to work fine at first.
However, those on the recieving end complain about echo.
I think this is caused by the circuit, because noone complains when
I use the computer’s microphone with headphones.
I would like to understand how this ciruit splits/joins the mic and ear
signals so they fit on the same wire, then I might be able to figure out
why my circuit doesn’t work. It maybe that the voltage isn’t high enough,
or maybe the capacitors aren’t working properly.
Where can I find this information? Any ideas?
February 10th, 2006 at 7:41
Some further experimenting shows that with the adapter plugged in,
when winamp plays, audiograbbers VU meter is going up and down. This is
without battery or phone attached. Clearly, there is crosstalk between my
speaker and mic connections. Should this be so?
February 18th, 2006 at 21:14
Hi, I am curious what happened with ringing circuit tweak for this adapter. Has anyone found some working solution?
March 7th, 2006 at 4:46
Your solution seems rather interesting, but, my PC is a Mac !
I noticed on the Skype accessory page that the wireless adapters and headsets, although they are expensive, are not supporting Mac os system (for some unknown reasons, skype never answered my question about it).
Do you think your solution would work nice on a Mac ?
March 18th, 2006 at 3:41
This was very usefull and easy! thank you very much Chris J for sharing and thanks for grynx for hosting
You guys make the world a wonderful and interesting place 😛
March 25th, 2006 at 10:35
In the newest version of SKYPE (2.0) you can click in a checkbox so the built in speaker of the computer rings. If you use a longer cord from the computer to an external speaker, you will be able to hear the rinsignal. Perhaps this is an idea for someone to build something to use together with our housephone.
April 2nd, 2006 at 0:38
I live in the US. Can somone get me the part numbers for everything that i need. I was going to try and just shop for everything on Radioshack. Thank you guys in advance this is a great idea.
April 3rd, 2006 at 2:25
can i use two resistor of 250 Ohm instead of 500 ohm veriable resistor?
April 5th, 2006 at 2:22
i m looking for help on polarity of capacitors,keeping in veiw this diagram + or – of capacitor will\
be connected mic and + or – spaker one cable
April 13th, 2006 at 13:24
I have testified the ciruit and in reply to Demon (Q4) and Saeed (Q38 & Q39), the 500 Ohm resistor can be removed as the mic
and speaker out use the same ground on the sound card. For the polarity, put spk–>( + – ) and (+ – )–>mic back into the circuit
or they maybe reversed with the the reversion of the battery polarity. Battery with smaller voltage, say 4.5V and
capacitors with lower capacitance like 2.2uF(225) may also work. The volume level is better than that with isolation transformer.
Please leave your e-mail address for a modified circuit.
April 30th, 2006 at 2:28
Thanks Vincent for guiding it working now but as other people say in microphone test voice is some what low. Any body got solution for this problem? i also got help from this web link
May 2nd, 2006 at 17:54
James, I just built mine from RadioShack. Used the 4.7uF as they did not have 3.3 and 100 Ohm. Left outh the 500 Ohm Riostat and used the 9v battery. I have a little bit of static but that is my cordless mouse. Other than that it works great.
May 3rd, 2006 at 2:15
there is something interesting for skype, you just do NOT have to have your PC turned on all the time.
i found that at:
May 11th, 2006 at 13:04
hi all –
i built this circuit and encountered a very annoying problem. on my part it works perfectly but everyone who wishes to talk to me hears what she sais again (with a latancy of about 0.5 – 1 sec, matches pretty well the roundtrip time of the data). its some sort of crosstalk/feedback (from SPKR OUT to MIC IN). i’m pretty sure the circuit is built correct – any suggestions on how to resolve this matter?
thx m.
May 14th, 2006 at 20:41
Hi M. Thanks for confirming the circuit error (in post #286 at: ). I was waiting for that, after commenting on it myself.
Regarding the echo problem you described, if the person you talk to hears a delayed echo, it usually means your audio output is too strong. Usual remedy is to switch off mike boost and turn audio volume down. If doesn’t fix, then reduce audio output level using a voltage divider, or (easier): plug chatcord into LINE IN on soundcard instead of microphone input.
Regarding resistor-based “chat-cord” circuit versus the transformer solution, transformer probably offers better protection for the soundcard, but the resistor method seems to work just as well in terms of performance.
Regards, Greg
May 14th, 2006 at 20:47
Sorry I mixed up two people: Thanks Amateur for your info about this resistor-based circuit, which is very useful.
See post #286 at
Regards, Greg
May 19th, 2006 at 23:26
I’m wondering if using a 9V battery, how long will the battery last?
May 26th, 2006 at 10:29
Could somebody please make the revised version into a schematicas I am confused by the explanation
June 9th, 2006 at 0:29
Listen people. I’m the publisher of Simple skype voip analog adapter.
I saw how to improve this device, but I have no time for experiments. Please if anyone can improve this – send me the schematics at and I will publish it on this projects main site
Thank you.
July 17th, 2006 at 18:22
I built this unit yesterday and after a bit of frustration (before finding my old power supply unit was dead)got the unit working just fine. Thanks for the easy to follow instructions.
I have a lot of feed back coming through both the ear piece that I can hear and the mic that the other end can hear. I assume it comes from the power supply but I’m not sure.
Any ideas on howe to reduce the noise?
Thanks in advance.
July 20th, 2006 at 19:20
i built this interface and insatalled the chatcord dialer software which attempted to run a setup wizard for audio etc. but froze and eventually gave an out of memory error. starting the app again tells me its expired. is there another source for [chatcord] dialer software?
enbee – how were you able to setup and test yours? thanks for help
August 1st, 2006 at 9:20
Hi Guys… I was having echo problems as well. I tried using MSN instead of Skype and it’s gone! I think because
MSN cut’s off the conversation (doesn’t send MIC and SPKR same time).
Ok, but still trying with Skype or
google talk… i figure out that the echo problem is caused by your voice coming in MIC IN (but in the other
side of conversation), so you have to tell your friend abroad to turn the PLAYBACK MIC sound recording on MUTE,
and leave turned on, just the MIC on RECORDING MENU, NOT THE PLAYBACK. (You can make this on your computer as well)
This should solve.
One Doubt: What the 500 POT resistor do ???? Is it for telephone gain ?
Thanks man, help with any ideas!
August 3rd, 2006 at 1:58
The main echo issue is that the remote person will hear their own voice back, usually at a louder volume than local persons voice.
This is caused by the audio coming from the computer, going through the phone and coming back out to be picked up by the micrphone input.
So far, i’ve not found a way around this..
This one is better for it:
I cant fiund any Center tapped transformers locally though, So i’m going to try a different one from here: (Search for “Operational amplifier based hybrid circuits”)
it uses an Op Amp to remove the remote persons voice.. I’m yet to pick up an IC yet tho for it..
I’d like to know if anyone else has any other kind of ideas.
Also, the 500ohm pot was mainly to reduce teh volume i thought, I didnt even bother putting it in the circuit at first, and it didnt help the echo issues by putting on in either..
August 3rd, 2006 at 1:59
Also an IMPROVED VERSION was put out recently:
direct link:
Not that it seems to change much.
August 4th, 2006 at 22:58
Chat-Cord DialerSK software stopped working a month or so ago and just gives a message to the effect that it has expired. The software has been withdrawn from the Chat-cord site too. I don’t think these two observations are coincidental. I tried other versions of the software, but they all give the expired message.
I’m just guessing, but you probably have to buy a Chat-Cord in order to get a working (non-demo)version of the DialerSk software. Oh well, it was fun for six months. Thanks Chat-cord people (he he!!).
Regards, Greg
August 4th, 2006 at 23:14
The improved circuit
corrects an error in the original circuit. The 500 ohm pot is to adjust the impedance to 600 ohms, as seen by the phone line. In the original (incorrect) circuit, the pot was shorted out, so it did nothing.
If the person you are talking to hears a delayed echo, turn off the microphone boost and turn down the mike gain. Alternatively, use LINE IN on the sound card, instead of MIC (adjust soundcard control panel accordingly so the recording source is LINE IN, not MIC).
Also, avoid listening to the audio through the PC speakers instead of the phone earpiece, otherwise your mike will pick it up and feed it back, giving delayed echo.
Cheers, Greg
August 5th, 2006 at 0:00
Nit (post#47), re: How long will 9 volt battery last? Current draw at 9 volts is about 20-25 mA (depends on phone), so small size 9v battery will not last long in continuous operation, maybe a week, or longer if alkaline (expensive!).
Better to use lower voltage and larger capacity batteries, eg AA alkaline. I use two (=3 volts) with a cordless phone which draws 5 mA only at this voltage and still works fine; so batteries will last hundreds of hours (and have done so).
Some phones need 4.5 or 6 volts to work. Current drain increases with voltage, so use lowest voltage that will still power phone properly. Could never get USB power to work properly: too noisy. Cheap motherboard?
Regards, Greg
August 8th, 2006 at 9:19
I have just assembled my adaptor using the 9V batery, 2 – 100 ohm resistors, 2 – 2.2 uF (25V) capacitors and 1 – 300 ohm resistor (parts that I had available). Built using the improved circuit ( Everything fit in an old DSL filter case and it is working great! Thanks !
August 9th, 2006 at 14:33
reply #53
Thanks DD32,
have you tried
this ?
i´m still having echo problems… still thinking like a trick to close MIC when SPKR is on…
any suggestions ?
August 12th, 2006 at 2:32
I didnt get around to trying it. I Ended up giving up trying to get that method working, and went back to connecting the wires directly to the phone pcb.
Not that i anylonger have a use for it..
August 13th, 2006 at 19:58
I was trying to put a inverting ampop in the speaker, processing and subtracting the signal from mic… but it wasn’t perfect….
If anyone want to try…
August 14th, 2006 at 17:52
The echo problem problem that is heard by the far-end is caused by the portion of his audio that is across the 100 ohm Mic input resistor. This is sent out via the Mic Input and the far-end hears this as echo with about a 1 sec delay. I solved the echo problem by connecting the audio card ground to the junction of the two resistors (100 ohms, I used 150 ohms).
Connect the other end of one resistor to the audio card’s Spk Out via a 1.ouF non-polar capacitor and connect other end of the other resistor to the Mic-In via a 0.001uF cap in series with a 200K ohm resistor which will reduce the mic’s audio level. (You may have to experiment with value from 100k to 620K.)
If you remove Chat-Cord@DialerSK, change date to before 1 Jul 2006, and then re-install, the ChatCord dialer will work.
…have fun !!!
August 16th, 2006 at 4:39
Hi people! I had published new version of it’s adapter! WITHOUT ECHO problem (as i think). I hadn’t tried it yet. But people say that ir is working!
August 16th, 2006 at 4:40
August 16th, 2006 at 11:44
I solved the echo problem as well…. i just put a ampop subtracting, with the
references between the signal from SPKR OUT and the OUT Signal (from the circuit). The ampop
will just subtract the signal from SPKR of the mixed signal (OUT from the circuit)…. So a
clean signal will be free to MIC… no more re-gain….
If you wanna try i can send details….
I didn´t tried this other version of the circuit, does anyone know if works ??
see you guys,
August 16th, 2006 at 15:21
Hi Marcelo,
Congrats on another method for fixing the echo problem.
I would suggest that you send your schematic and info re the op-amp solution to Vitali at and he will post it on his web site and thus share the info with all. Thats what I did with my mod for fixing the echo.
August 17th, 2006 at 9:16
Ok! i will send a schematic of ampop solution. i didn´t try (CDG-Video) solution,…it seems to be
easier and cheaper, ….
I´m busy at this weekend, as soon as possible i´ll send the email…
another doubt,.. using the skype, do you guys know how to disable default mic molume control ?
i have already disable the skype control, but it still increasing mic volume….
see you…
August 21st, 2006 at 22:09
I tried the CDG-Video solution and I still get echo.The only thing I didn’t have the exact values for were the R1 and R2, which are 100 Ohm instead of 150 Ohm. I’m not sure how much of a difference that should make, but that’s my experience.
August 22nd, 2006 at 10:06
My experience has been that there is a slight echo only when both parties talk at the same time.
If yout have a lot of far-end echo, you should double check your wiring of the adapter. The audio card’s ground must be connected to the junction of the two resistors (ie connect resistor juncion to the sleeve (or screen) connection of the mini-plugs for Spk-Out and Mic-In). If your wiring is correct, then try lowering your recording microphone volume when the far end complains about echo. This should reduce the echo. (Also mute the playback mic volume)
I have since increased R1 and R2 to 300 ohms, thus putting a total of 600 ohm across the tip-ring of the cordless phone, to better match the telephones AC impedance and this has further reduced the far-end echo. Now R1=R2 = 300 ohms, and the tolerance of R1 and R2 is 1%. (I used four 150 ohm 1/4 watt; 1% tolerance resistors. I got a package of 20 for $2.99 at Active Components store here in Canada). Hope this helps.
August 22nd, 2006 at 12:01
I also forgot to mention that within the Skype software, under Tools ->Options ->Sound Devices make sure to select “Let Skype adjust my sound device settings”. This will keep your mic volume from getting too high, which otherwise would cause echos. Give it a try and let us know if you get any improvements.
August 22nd, 2006 at 12:48
CDG-Video. Thanks for the feedback–I was actually hoping that I had done something wrong. I’ll check the wiring and other things you suggested. I’m guessing that my ground/signal are mixed since I didn’t pay any attention to that when wiring it together.
Thanks again for the help. I’ll post back here with my results once I get the time to try your suggestsions.
August 23rd, 2006 at 8:24
Yes, Tim, letting us now about a feedback, is important….
Anyone know a good/cheap ampop to audio signal ? (i used tl071)
i’ve a got a little, little, distortion, but it’s ok…
August 24th, 2006 at 9:44
I checked the wiring and it was indeed flipped around. I don’t have the echo problem anymore–it’s amazing what happens when you construct the circuit correctly :). Thank you for the help.
And does anyone know a good replacement for the chat-cord dialer software that can dial numbers in skype using the phone keypad? I tried using that, but it says that the program is expired. I found a similar program called Phone Converter, but it hijacks the skype window so that I can’t open it up–very annoying.
August 25th, 2006 at 18:43
I have revised the adapter to version 1.2. This overcomes two problems…speed-call dialing now works reliably and the mic level has been adjusted to near-max so that the “AGC action” of the mic level by the software, is now resticted and this reduces far-end echo. For version 1.2; both caps C1 and C2 were eliminated and a new additional resistor R4(1K)is connected from the Mic-In to ground. The attenuator formed by R3 and R4 is used to set the Mic level to near-max value. For my audio card (Ensoniq ES1370), R3=100K. You may have to adjust R3 to set the “near-max” level for your particular audio device. The telephone termination(R1+R2) is now 600 ohms to better match the telephone’s impedance. I used four 150ohm; 1/4W; 1% tolerance resistors for this termination. The other resistors can be 1/4W, 10% tolerance.
I have sent Version 1.2 schematic to Vitali.
August 27th, 2006 at 21:19
Nice one man!
works great!
July 30th, 2007 at 21:47
Where does version 1.2 its power? I can’t get it to work.
July 31st, 2007 at 5:42
sir i am getting a lot of echo from the calling person.please provide me with the complete circuit diagram.
January 3rd, 2008 at 0:19
Im the atenna catching vibrations, youre the transmitter…give information!
January 12th, 2008 at 5:04
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