Build your own Robotic WebCam |
By Jawed |
Here’s how to build a webcam that can be viewed and controlled from the web:
![]() Parallax Basic Stamp 2 Starter Kit. This includes a board and a microcontroller with a BASIC interpreter. |
![]() Notice the 9-Volt battery hook-up in the upper left corner of the board above. You’ll need a power supply like this one, but one that has the 9-Volt battery style connector. |
![]() Obtain a cable adapter that allows you to get easy access to the 9 individual pins of your serial port, like the one on the left. I could only find one for 25-pin ports, so I needed the 25-to-9 pin adapter on the right. |
![]() Futaba S-148 Servo. Your webcam will be mounted on top of the servo. |
![]() To stream live video directly from your computer, download the WebCam32 software. It allows you to show streaming video from a webpage by pointing the source URL directly at your own PC. You may have to open up the appropriate ports on your firewall. WebCam32 contains a Java applet which is automatically launched on the viewer’s browser. I recommend a Logitech WebCam. They’re around $100 or less. |
![]() Connect the serial port’s pin 2 (Received Data) to the Basic Stamp’s pin 10. The Parallax Basic program will be waiting on pin 10 for one of three signals: L (left), C (center), R (right). Connect serial pin 5 (Ground) to the Basic Stamp’s Vss (Ground). |
Where: webserver
Purpose: opens a socket and sends command to listener running on PC
Language: PHP
if (isSet($dir)) { $fp = fsockopen ("YOUR.IP.ADDR", 443, &$errno, &$errstr, 30); if (!$fp) die ($errstr); fputs ($fp, $dir); fclose ($fp); } |
Where: PC
Purpose: listens for incoming commands from PHP script and executes VBS scripts
Language: C++
#include "stdafx.h" #include "afxsock.h" CWinApp theApp; using namespace std; void failure (char *err) { AfxMessageBox (err); exit (-1); } int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR* argv[], TCHAR* envp[]) { // initialize MFC and print and error on failure if (!AfxWinInit(::GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL, ::GetCommandLine(), 0)) failure ("Unable to init MFC!"); // initialize sockets if (!AfxSocketInit ()) failure ("Unable to init Winsock!"); CSocket in; if (!in.Create (443)) failure ("Unable to init Socket!"); in.Listen (5); while (1) { // blocks until connection received CSocket newconn; BOOL rc = in.Accept (newconn); if (!rc) { printf ("ACCEPT ERROR!\n"); continue; } struct tm *newtime; time_t aclock; time( &aclock ); /* Get time in seconds */ newtime = localtime( &aclock ); /* Convert time to struct */ // get one byte char buf; int num_received = newconn.Receive (&buf, 1); newconn.Close (); if (num_received) { cout << asctime( newtime ); switch (buf) { case 'R': printf ("RIGHT!\n"); system ("RIGHT.vbs"); break; case 'L': printf ("LEFT!\n"); system ("LEFT.vbs"); break; case 'C': printf ("CENTER!\n"); system ("CENTER.vbs"); break; default: printf ("ERROR!\n"); break; } } } in.Close (); return 0; } |
Where: PC
Purpose: send signal “L”, “C”, or “R” on COM2 serial port
Language: Visual Basic Script (.vbs) (Why VBS? Because I couldn’t figure out how to do it in Win32.)
' CENTER.vbs Set com = CreateObject ("MSCommLib.MSComm") com.CommPort = 2 com.Settings = "9600,N,8,1" com.PortOpen = True com.Output = "C" com.PortOpen = False ' LEFT.vbs Set com = CreateObject ("MSCommLib.MSComm") com.CommPort = 2 com.Settings = "9600,N,8,1" com.PortOpen = True com.Output = "L" com.PortOpen = False ' RIGHT.vbs Set com = CreateObject ("MSCommLib.MSComm") com.CommPort = 2 com.Settings = "9600,N,8,1" com.PortOpen = True com.Output = "R" com.PortOpen = False |
Where: Parallax Basic Stamp 2
Purpose: sends pulse signal to servo motor according to received signal from serial port
Language: Parallax Basic
counter var byte revolveWait con 30 letter var byte counter = 0 read_input: ' get some data on pin 10 serin 10\0, 16468,[letter] if letter = "L" then start_left if letter = "R" then start_right if letter = "C" then start_center 'START LEFT ROTATION start_left counter = 0 left: pulsout 4,1500 pause 20 counter = counter + 1 if counter > revolveWait then read_input goto left 'START RIGHT ROTATION start_right: counter = 0 right: pulsout 4,1 pause 20 counter = counter + 1 if counter > revolveWait then read_input goto right 'CENTER SERVO start_center: counter = 0 center: pulsout 4,600 pause 20 counter = counter + 1 if counter > revolveWait then read_input goto center |
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18 queries. 0.205 seconds
April 26th, 2007 at 9:58
i want to know how i can make the c++ program and the vb program executable
April 15th, 2008 at 13:47
hi all , plz i want the c++ code for the webcam becouse i want to use it in a robotic project , so if you can help me with this , plz send the code to my E-mail: ( )
hope to c your rely
zaid ghanem
September 15th, 2008 at 12:26
have you got any ideas in how to put a camera in laptop so its built in, if so where do you get the camera form. i want my laptop to have builtmin camera and i want to build it in myself. i wnat it to be built in like appple mac/laptop camera
September 15th, 2008 at 12:26
have you got any ideas in how to put a camera in laptop so its built in, if so where do you get the camera form. i want my laptop to have builtmin camera and i want to build it in myself. i wnat it to be built in like appple mac/laptop camera
September 15th, 2008 at 12:26
have you got any ideas in how to put a camera in laptop so its built in, if so where do you get the camera form. i want my laptop to have builtmin camera and i want to build it in myself. i wnat it to be built in like appple mac/laptop camera