18th 2006f October, 2006

Wireless remote control out of a Ding-Dong

by @ 11:38. Filed under Hack, Projects, Wireless
Wireless remote
John Schuch did what I’ve been thinking about for quiet some time. To take a existing RF device and turn it into a power (AC) control.

With the addition of one capacitor, one relay, and a small piece of wire we can convert an inexpensive wireless doorbell into a remotely controlled relay useful for a wide range of applications. These include remote PC starting, lighting control, Halloween effects control, or virtually anything that can be controlled by a pair of relay contacts.

And here’s some food for thought for you DIY’ers. How about taking one of those cute small radio controll cars and turn it into a dimmer control? The benefit of using these small cars as a build base would be that the rf reciever cards are very very small.

Link: Turning a wireless doorbell into a remote control relay

24th 2005f December, 2005

How-to add internal USB to your laptop cheap

by @ 13:14. Filed under Hack, Projects, Wireless
Disected USB dongle
Bluetooth is cool but unfortunatley I don’t have it build into my laptop. There is an empty mini-pci slot available but after trying to find a good Bluetooth card to put in there without spending a fortune I simply dropped that solution. And using one of these dirt cheap USB Bluetooth dongles is a hazzle as I don’t like having that sticking out of my laptop the whole time.
Well, why not build it in as Tom did! I’ve seen this kind of projects before – but this one really only uses a Bluetooth dongle plus some cables. No hub or any other electronics so it’s actually a no-brainer to get this one working. That is as long as you have the space within the laptop to hide the dongle away…

Read about how he did it in Adding internal Bluetooth to a Dell Latitude

21st 2005f November, 2005

Wireless audio in your car with Bluetooth

by @ 23:55. Filed under Hack, iPAQ, Projects, Wireless
Bluetooth audio stereo
Using an MP3 player connected to the car stereo is cool. Connecting your iPAQ is cooler. But coolest is definitely to play your MP3’s through the iPAQ to the car stereo using bluetooth! Completely wireless!
HP’s FA303A Bluetooth stereo headset gets slaughtered to get a Bluetooth stereo receiver, then we follow the principal of trial and error and hope that nothing burns before we get the receiver into its box with a 12v power supply and into the car.

And when you have the box ready then you can use it anywhere your imagination takes you. In the car, by the stereo at home or at a friends house, or you can connect it to a high quality headphone!

You will definetly loose your warranty on the headset on this one!

Link: Bluetooth stereo in the car

16th 2005f November, 2005

Wide angle wifi sector panel

by @ 22:01. Filed under Projects, Wireless

Dan lives in Saudi Arabia and getting a good sector panel antenna there is not easy due to the import restriction. After spending numerous months on the net trying to find a good DIY about building one himself, he found some pages about the Franklin Array design.
Using this as his starting point he finally developed a 2.4 GHz 14 dBi sector panel that he was satisfied with and he has been kind enough to share his findings with us in a nice six page article.

Link: Wide angle sector antenna

15th 2005f November, 2005

Outdoor Wi-Lan enclosure

by @ 14:51. Filed under Projects, Wireless
Wi-Lan enclosure
Dan wanted a true outside enclosure for his Wi-Lan equipment that could withstand the forces of nature where he lives.

He writes:

This box will house my proprietary Wi-Lan HP45-24 radio unit and set as a client, a 2.4ghz 500mw HyperLink Amplifier connected to a Linksys WRT54G with a third party firmware and set as an access point, the Wi-Lan HP45-24 radio will be the main link back to my base radio.

The whole idea of this enclosure is to be as “modular” as possible, i.e. if the PSU blows-up i can simply remove the PSU and replace it, OR if i need to relocate the whole box, i can simply unscrew all the antenna and take it away with me.

Link: All weather Wi-Lan enclosure

31st 2005f August, 2005

Using a bluetooth headset with Skype

by @ 23:35. Filed under Wireless

Some time ago we wrote about the Wireless Skype Phone project and I remember someone mentioning to me that it would be so much more convienent to use a bluetooth headset. And I do agree with this as long as you sit by your computer or within the range of the bluetooth antenna (which by the way is up to a maximum of 10m). If not – then the Wireless Skype Phone still kicks ass.

So here I present you with two links utilizing a bluetooth headset with Skype. is a Palm Treo oriented website and Andrew shows you a step-by-step on how he did it.

A thread at with the subject “This is how to make a Bluetooth headset work with XP SP2” also has a lot of pointers on how to do this and is more general then the Treo article

16th 2005f June, 2005

Laptop on the wall – WallTop

by @ 11:36. Filed under Hack, Projects, Wireless
WallTop in the middle
Ever wanted to put a laptop in the living room, but the misses didn’t allow it? Have a laptop over and the guts to take it apart?

Then this DIY article is something for you. I will take you step by step though the process of converting an laptop into a WallTop to hang next to your other pictures. Making use of wireless takes away the cable problem, and with no hard drive makes it completely quiet.
And the result is astonishing.

You need a laptop and picture frame and -the guts to do it-!!!

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