25th 2005f October, 2005

Pointless is fun – three mobiles by Brian

by @ 10:08. Filed under Projects, Robotics
Dancing bug
Brian is a funny guy who likes to build mobiles… that actually don’t do anything interesting. Well not interesting might be the wrong word – they do move ya’ know.
His efforts are described in short and each mobile comes with a short avi or two.

Meet the Dancing bug, the Frog racer and the Spinning Bishop at: Brians three mobiles

18th 2005f October, 2005

Build your own Robotic WebCam

by @ 21:25. Filed under Camera and Webcam, Projects, Robotics

Ever thought about building a web controlled webcam? I sure have! Even though you can buy one today for not too much money, the challange is still interesting.

Based on the parralax basic stamp starter kit 2, Jawed did just this. The project is mostly focused on the ‘difficult’ part (the programming) and you will have to use your own imagination for the attachment of the servo to the webcam.

You’ll need the starter kit, a servo from an R/C car and a couple of cables to get started. And oh, yes – a webcam can come in handy!

Read in full in the Robotic Webcam project

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