19th 2009f February, 2009

DIY High quality Macro lens

by @ 17:27. Filed under Camera and Webcam, Hack, Other, Projects
Canon DIY Macro
Have you ever played around with the macro mode on a camera (you know the ‘flower’ mode)? Most people have, but it’s not that impressive. Mostly because it’s not really close up. A regular macro shot will give you something like 0.5-0.7x magnification, which is… not very impressive.

So lets do something about that!
In this article we’ll show you one way to convert a Canon EF-S 18-55 standard lens to a super macro lens giving you from 1 to 4.5 times magnification! Then we’re talking an object of .2 inches (5mm) wide filling the whole picture!

This image on the side is a long time exposure of an alligator clip up close taken with the lens.

Pages 1-5 shows you the lens works and ideas behind it.
Page 6 contains some sample pictures made with the lens
Page 7 shows you the difference in different focal lengths (how much magnification)
Page 8 demonstrates the practical differences in aperture and what’s useful
Page 9 shows you in detail the different depth of fields with different apertures

Link: DIY High quality macro lens out of a Canon EF-S 18-55

2nd 2006f July, 2006

Binder clips and cables

by @ 14:56. Filed under Non electric hacks, Other
How about making without making??

This is such a thing which actually isn’t a project in itself – but if it will give you a tenth as much help as its given me in the past years then it’s something I just have to share with you.

In short – attach your cables in a smart way with an ordinary office supply and keep them movable/slidable.

Link: Binder clips and cables

1st 2006f March, 2006

Snow light – iglo for a candle

by @ 4:25. Filed under Other, Projects
Snow candle
Entertaining children in the snow is my favorite waste of time! There’s just so much you can do with them and building a snow light if one of those things. Build it during the day and lit it as soon as it get dark.

In this how-to Chris will take you through the collecting of the neccessary items (candle, paper and snow) and the assembly of the product step-by-step (e.g. make the snow balls)

Link: How to build a snow light

19th 2006f January, 2006

Revive water damaged router

by @ 14:05. Filed under Other, Projects
Water damage
I think everyone has heard about the anecdote about the engineer, the user and the coke – but anyway.

The user calls the support department: “My keyboard doesn’t work.”
Engineer: “What have you done?”
The user: “Nothing, it just stopped working!”
The engineer comes by with a new keyboard and as he lifts up the old keyboard and holds it against his chest – coke pours out…

This might be an anecdote but accidents still happen and if it’s your own stuff then you’d rather fix it then buy a new one. Every dollar saved….

On the picture is part of the PCB from a Linksys WRT54g. Used to be broken – but works fine now after cleaning it.

See how you can Salvage your device after liquid spill

25th 2005f November, 2005

Revive your old remote control

by @ 16:08. Filed under Other, Projects
Remote control
Remote controls are a consumption product. They fall in the floor, the get coffee spilled over them, the get stepped on (maybe not..) – and they wear out.
The second and last one are usually fixed by the handy-man in the house by opening the remote and cleaning it in one way or another. But when it comes to wear then that won’t work more then one or two times, then it simply fails.
In this how-to we try to revive your remote by swapping the buttons around. Easier then you think actually.

Link: Revive your old remote

9th 2005f November, 2005

Build an egg timer wakeup clock

by @ 12:30. Filed under Other, Projects

Rafael writes:

I am unemployed at the moment, but I’m very busy. I tend to work late nights and wander over to bed when I run completely out of steam. The problem is that this happens at a different time every day. I end up being too lazy and stupid to re-set the alarm clock, so I don’t bother. I oversleep. Recently I realized that I need a special alarm clock that instead of going off at a particular time goes off after a set duration. Like an egg timer, but grand!.

In a brief DIY he explains how to put this together.
If you’re new to programming PIC’s then you’ll find some links at the end of the article to get you started.

Link: PIC wakeup clock

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