9th 2005f July, 2005

Sony Ericsson W800 – A good looking phone

by @ 13:33. Filed under News

I’m the last person to fall for a cellphone, and I’m still running around with my phone from 4 years ago (Nokia 6310) as my true partner. But I must say it – the new SonyEricsson w800 is veeery nice.
It doesn’t look like a toy, the camera actually looks like a camera, it’s a Walkman (yes a Walkman, that’s how SonyEricsson has branded it!), and it’s Orange!!!

Over at Bengalboy they’ve managed to get their hands on one and made a full review over it.

It can be summarized as this compared to the SonyEricsson K750i:

  • The W800 comes with 512Mb memory compared to the 64Mb in the K750i

    It has a different lens protection

    It has a different keyboard

    It’s branded as a Walkman

    It’s orange while the K750i is available in black or silver

    Quick access to the music center

    Improved music center

    Better earplugs

    Worse quality on the screen

  • Source: (note: this site’s material can be considered offensive)

    5 Responses to “Sony Ericsson W800 – A good looking phone”

    1. Cameron Says:

      i just got that fone ITS AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      i asked it to marry me,
      then it said,
      “you have $5 credit remaining!”


    2. mahesh Says:

      I just got the ph, n its kewl. but, seems to hve prblms of being a little too technical i was an owner of nokia 6230 till recently and i liked the simplicity of the phones operations. the pc suite too is irksome to say the least. how do u install any games onto the phone man?

    3. tom Says:

      best phone on earth.

    4. Peter Says:

      You can turn this SonyEricsson J2ME phone into a mobile wireless webcam for your PC or laptop.
      The only you need is Mobiola Web Camera Lite from here:

    5. Paul anderson Says:

      I like the camera result most.

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