On all computer cases I’ve seen, the HD LED is just a single, boring light. Yeah, maybe it comes in blue or purple on your fancier cases, but it’s still just a boring light. I wanted something a bit more flashy and dynamic. For years, I’ve had a Radio Shack 10 segment LED bargraph floating around in my parts box, since I’m a nerd, I naturally love blinking LEDs (das blinkenlights), so the LED bargraph HD light idea was born!
May 16th, 2006 at 19:43
I found your idea here very interesting, but, i need schematics ( wiring diagrams ) so i can build it too. Could you please send me some.??
Is that link correct on your page for the programming for that thing..???
Thank you..
May 17th, 2006 at 12:33
jason: You can contact the author of this article here http://www.micsaund.com/contact/
And yes, the link seems to be working just fine.
Good luck,
October 20th, 2007 at 10:07
wondering if you could send the schematics on design. Or step by step guide thanks.