23rd 2007f January, 2007

Greylist – freeware Grey list for Exchange v1.3

by @ 13:51. Filed under Programming, Projects
Greylist for Exchange

First my apologies to all people who come back here day after day and wonder why there’s no action on Grynx. Well, try working 10 hours a day, studying for your MCSE every evening and then take care of your family as well. I’m simply not allowed into my garage any more :)
Hopefully this will change in the next coming months – but I make no promises.

In September 2007 I published an little application of mine called Greylist. At that stage Greylist was a bit unpolished and rough but it did evolve during the next coming months whenever I could stick a bit of time into it.

Today I published v1.3 which now is more of a grownup and handles both stress and problems in a more correct way.
Some interesting statistics about the artice: Over 8500 people has read the article in the last three months and it has been downloaded over 1500 since end November.
Not bad for me that didn’t have a clue about programming 6 months ago. Pat Pat on my own back :)

Since I have had a lot of problems with false positives with the black lists that I’m using on my Exchange 2003 server I started looking into another way of filtering spam…
The problem with this is that there doesn’t seem to be any free products out there for Exchange and as I don’t want to set up a Linux box ( yet another box in the rack ) I decided to write one myself…

Features of today includes selective blocking (sender ip and/or sender address and/or recipient address), stores data in a access db or in MS SQL, the database can be shared across the enterprise, automatic pruning. In the latest version I added functionality for different actions upon grey listing a recipient as well as custom server messages.
And in many scenarios it block up to 98% of all spam!!

If you’ve read this far and don’t have a clue about what I’m talking about then let me say this:
– Grey listing temporarily blocks an email in an attempt to filter out spam servers.
– Greylist (the program I wrote) only runs on Exchange 2000 and 2003.

If you’re an Exchange admin and you have problems with spam then be sure to check out my implementation Greylist – freeware Grey list for Exchange

12 Responses to “Greylist – freeware Grey list for Exchange v1.3”

  1. Joe Kizlauskas Says:

    Fantastic product – enjoying using the greylist. Not only has it stopped lots of spam but I have relaxed my spam filters so I get less false positives. The only thing it could do with is an auto white listing feature. Everytime you send an email it could be added to the whitelist.

    Thanks for all you effort and a job well done.

  2. Bhavesh Says:

    when I installed greylist v1.3 on my exchange 2000 sp3 It started making lots of connections (couple of thousands) on port 25 to outside address and because of that we all lost our internet connection, I end up uninstalling it right away.

    Can you please help?

  3. Charles Shoemaker Says:

    I understand that you may need beta testers for v2. I’d like to volunteer.

    I’m still in the initial evaluation stages for the 1.3 product, but am happy to look at the beta.

  4. Alex Says:

    This software is excellent! We implemented Greylist in our Exchange 2003 environment with an MS SQL-Server exactly as described in the implementation guide and experienced no problems – but at least 90 % less spam!!! And congratulations to Chris: although you describe yourself as a “newbie” to programming, the software is very stable and quite simple to install… perfect!

  5. samson Says:

    Thanks for your work! I will test it. We need it than can filter more spam.

  6. Chase Says:

    you got yourself a product the world could use!!! i am currently running a set up where my smtp gateway is a standalone win2k PC.
    is there some way to talor the install to this kind of unit? or XP?
    let me know what you think
    Also would like to know what i can do to help?
    Thank you

  7. Chase Says:

    you got yourself a product the world could use!!! i am currently running a set up where my smtp gateway is a standalone win2k PC.
    is there some way to talor the install to this kind of unit? or XP?
    let me know what you think
    Also would like to know what i can do to help?
    Thank you

  8. Chase Says:

    you got yourself a product the world could use!!! i am currently running a set up
    where my smtp gateway is a standalone win2k PC.
    is there some way to talor the install to this kind of unit? or XP?
    let me know what you think
    Also would like to know what i can do to help?
    Thank you

  9. fingerprint Says:

    I’m still in the initial evaluation stages for the 1.3 product, but am happy to look at the beta.

  10. Bruce Richardson Says:

    Hi Chris. I use greylisting on my personal “Mailenable” email server at home which works well. I found your product while looking for something similar for Exchange for one of my customers. (Small Business Server 2003)
    I followed your instructions to install and configure (I printed the full readme.doc). I’m using the access database method.
    But when I enabled the program, I immediately get returned an NDR: on 6/08/2008 4:52 PM
    The e-mail account does not exist at the organization this message was sent to.

    Even though I have added my sender address to the whitelist (email address and IP address both)
    I disable the program and I can send successfully again.
    Any ideas for me to try?


  11. Fuego Says:

    Looks like this is no longer available. The download/project link takes one to a commercial site where they want 199 bucks for the thing, so I guess it’s now out of range for the “home server hobbyist/enthusiast”. Time to write one’s own.

  12. 320volt Says:

    Great, Thanks for information

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