23rd 2006f October, 2006

Another hard drive clock

by @ 1:36. Filed under Hack, Projects
Hard drive clock
I made one of these back in December last year (link) and then I saw another interesting version from Rick.

OK, everyone has seen the dude who made an LED POV (persistence of vision) clock out of a hard drive, and we’re all very impressed (no, seriously). But not all of us have those skills. This is a hard drive clock that requires only a power drill and some basic hand tools. No electronics knowledge is necessary. Total project time: 60-90 minutes.

I think this one is interesting as you can actually see that it’s a hard drive. The one I made had a different goal though – to only have hard drive parts visible.
Anyway – I like’em both.

Link: Harddrive clock

5 Responses to “Another hard drive clock”

  1. Another hard drive clock « Arhive « Latest World’s News Says:

    […] Original post by Chris J. Read More… […]

  2. peter Says:

    wth, is this page dead? no updates for ages …

  3. TechSay Says:

    Did that improve the drive’s RPM speed at all?

  4. Anita Says:

    WOW – that’s really cool. Would be great to hook up a power source and have the platter spinning as well.

  5. floppyman Says:

    Ugly. But very geek like 😉

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