18th 2006f October, 2006

Wireless remote control out of a Ding-Dong

by @ 11:38. Filed under Hack, Projects, Wireless
Wireless remote
John Schuch did what I’ve been thinking about for quiet some time. To take a existing RF device and turn it into a power (AC) control.

With the addition of one capacitor, one relay, and a small piece of wire we can convert an inexpensive wireless doorbell into a remotely controlled relay useful for a wide range of applications. These include remote PC starting, lighting control, Halloween effects control, or virtually anything that can be controlled by a pair of relay contacts.

And here’s some food for thought for you DIY’ers. How about taking one of those cute small radio controll cars and turn it into a dimmer control? The benefit of using these small cars as a build base would be that the rf reciever cards are very very small.

Link: Turning a wireless doorbell into a remote control relay

3 Responses to “Wireless remote control out of a Ding-Dong”

  1. Wireless remote control out of a Ding-Dong « Arhive « Latest World’s News Says:

    […] Original post by Chris J. Read More… […]

  2. Wireless remote control out of a Ding-Dong « Arhive « Latest World’s News Says:

    […] Original post by Chris J. Read More… […]

  3. bapes Says:

    Some very useful infor. Will try and get my simple mind around it. THX

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