17th 2006f October, 2006

DIY Microscope Webcam

by @ 11:36. Filed under Camera and Webcam, Hack, Projects
Microscope webcam
Jose Luis Garrido slaughtered an old cdrom reader… and put the lens for the laser in front of his webcam.
What did he get? A DIY microscope webcam – kind of cool actually!

The page is in Spanish so I also give you the option to read it through Google’s translation engine.

Link: DIY Microscope webcam (Spanish)
Link: DIY Microscope webcam (English)

3 Responses to “DIY Microscope Webcam”

  1. Techamo » DIY Microscope Webcam Says:

    […] Original post by Chris J. By Techamo, October 17, 2006, 1:36 pm o’clock […]

  2. Shanon Says:

    There are many off the shelf range finding components available including ultrasonic, infrared, and even laser rangefinders. All of these devices work well, but in the field of aerial robotics, weight is a primary concern. It is desirable to get as much functionality out of each component that is added to an airframe. Miniature robotic rotorcraft for example can carry about 100g of payload. It is possible to perform machine vision tasks such as obstacle identification and avoidance though the use of a webcam (or mini wireless camera interfaced to a computer via USB adaptor). Better yet, two webcams can provide stereo machine vision thus improving obstacle avoidance because depth can be determined. The drawback of this of course is the addition of the weight of a second camera. This page describes how a mini laser pointer can be configured along with a single camera to provide mono-machine vision with range information.

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  3. Satish Sharma Says:

    NIce idea.
    I simply like it.

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