11th 2006f April, 2006

TicTac flashlight

by @ 11:41. Filed under LED and IR, Projects
TicTac flashlight
P.O. sent us this how-to on building a very handy flashlight out of a old TicTac mint box. It consists of a empty TicTac box (duh!), three batteries (that fits perfect), a small switch, a resistor and a bright LED.
It might not take a rocket scientist to figure out how to connect it all, but still…

Go to the TicTac flashlight page.

2 Responses to “TicTac flashlight”

  1. Techamo » TicTac flashlight Says:

    […] Original post by Chris J. By Techamo, April 11, 2006, 1:41 pm o’clock […]

  2. Rick Ward Says:

    Hey what a bloody cool idea. Might try and hook up some lightd to my bapes

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