6th 2006f April, 2006

Grynx in the slow lane…

by @ 13:03. Filed under News
Grynx community
…but no way we’re gone in any sense.

Status I managed to get myself a new job far far away from home and with working long hours and spending a lot of time on the road I really haven’t had that much time for my baby (Grynx that is) in the last month. It’s really unwillingly, I promise! There’s nothing better then to have crazy idea, realize it, publish it and reading your comments about it.
So okay, I haven’t been posting that much lately but that doesn’t mean I’ve giving in. No way José!

Forum Some of you have notice that little G in the right hand side navigation. Most haven’t. That’s the link to our community, or forum if you’d rather call it that, where it’s a bit easier to discuss things then in the comments area on these pages.
I’ve added an area there called Hatching ideas which is really a good area for brainstorming, something that I’ve actually missed myself.
There are more areas there but I take it that this one is the most interesting one in the long run.


Ongoing projects I have two project in the pipeline right now and we’ll have to see when I can complete these. One is a non-electric cool iPAQ accessories and the other is a interesting LED dingy (as everyone else are building LED things now) which based on some LED’s I bought
from China recently.

HELP I don’t want Grynx to stagnate! We have between 80-120.000 unique visitors and we’re serving aroung 300-500.000 pages every month. Never though that when we started a year ago.
But with my limited time right now I need your help more then ever. You can send me link tips if they’re good and related to what we do here, or whole projects. What to be part of The contact information is in the right hand top of all pages.

I’d also like to say thanks to all the people keeping the discussions alive on Especially the ones on the VoIP related pages as the Siemens Skype, Build your own chat cord, and Simple Skype VoIP analogue adapter.


_______________________________ – Why? Because you can!

One Response to “Grynx in the slow lane…”

  1. Mike Says:

    How about some fun non-electronic projects?
    This is one of my favorites that seems “so right” for the people who view Grynx:

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