24th 2005f December, 2005

How-to add internal USB to your laptop cheap

by @ 13:14. Filed under Hack, Projects, Wireless
Disected USB dongle
Bluetooth is cool but unfortunatley I don’t have it build into my laptop. There is an empty mini-pci slot available but after trying to find a good Bluetooth card to put in there without spending a fortune I simply dropped that solution. And using one of these dirt cheap USB Bluetooth dongles is a hazzle as I don’t like having that sticking out of my laptop the whole time.
Well, why not build it in as Tom did! I’ve seen this kind of projects before – but this one really only uses a Bluetooth dongle plus some cables. No hub or any other electronics so it’s actually a no-brainer to get this one working. That is as long as you have the space within the laptop to hide the dongle away…

Read about how he did it in Adding internal Bluetooth to a Dell Latitude

5 Responses to “How-to add internal USB to your laptop cheap”

  1. parol Says:

    Kjempe kuuuul hjemmeside du har.

  2. Helly Says:

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  3. adam Says:

    i got a wireless bluetooth adapter in order to browse on the internet using another wireless connection in range, but unfortunately, i cant seem to do it right! can ANYONE PLZ PLZ give me a step by step on this!! thanks

  4. sofiaa Says:


  5. Tracy Esau Says:

    this is probably the best thing that i have ever read, what a cool way to install things.. cheers

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