23rd 2005f December, 2005

Circuits that come in handy

by @ 16:25. Filed under News
5v regulator
While designing all kinds of different curcuits I usually pick the designs from my head, or I go seaching on the net to find what I need. Over at DIY Live they put together a good top 10 list of curcuits that often come in handy. Like a 5v regulator, how to drive a transistor as a switch, USB pinout, a simple amplifier and lots more.

They write:

I have decided to compile a list of the top ten most needed circuits that are a must know for anyone interested in DIY projects. These are the basics that can all be interchanged and used in conjunction with each other to make many of the projects that we all love so much.

Link: Ten most needed circuits for the DIYer

One Response to “Circuits that come in handy”

  1. Peter Scargill Says:

    This circuit is unstable – you need a 0.2u cap from output to ground and I’d recommend one on input to ground also. Without these there is a very real chance of the circuit oscillating.

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