21st 2005f December, 2005

Force feedback racing simulator

by @ 21:04. Filed under News
Force feedback racing chair
Do you want to build something that scores 9.5 on the geek scale? Wanna have a ‘real’ force feedback simulator that is as close to the real simulators as possible?
Then have a look at Jared’s little project where he uses the classical ingredients as a stearing wheel and the standard pedals, but also a electrical winch for a car…

He writes:

I remember when I was younger taking a family trip to Universal Studios Hollywood. While the experience was overall a snore, there was this one ride that really captured my imagination: Back to the Future. For those who don’t know, its a Delorean simulator with a back to the future theme. … For some time I have wanted to make my own, seeing the NASA shuttle simulator and other similar training simulators all over. Well one day while playing mech 4 I realized that I had the power to do so literally in the palm of my hand. So I decided to mod out my simulator. Well a lot of
R & D went into this and this is actually a prototype for the main build to come.

Link: The force feedback racing simulator
Thanks Tom Needer for the tip!

2 Responses to “Force feedback racing simulator”

  1. Robert Says:

    Could I please have the plans and parts list to this great invention. I am a die hard racing fan.. Let me no either way.. Thanks Robert

  2. Paul Says:

    Check this out for extreme motion/force feedback simulators:

    When driving it, you are over 10 feet in the air! Must be a big rush.

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