14th 2005f December, 2005

Line following robot

by @ 16:54. Filed under News
Line following robot
Greg starts with warning us for a long article in this DIY article. And while we’re at it have a look at this one also over at ELM, it’s really small and neat.
He writes:

…we will start out with a problem and a solution. The problem is going to be to build a Lego robot with sensors, a motor controller, and a microcontroller that 1. Follows a black tape. 2. Upon reaching the end of the tape will pause for three seconds. 3. After pausing for 3 seconds will return back to the starting point.

Link: Line following robot

One Response to “Line following robot”

  1. Y.Suseelatha Says:


    its really very good website for students.actually we have to thank you for providing us a good facility to have a view about robots.i need information about “line follower robo” with the requirements as follows
    Requirements are:
    8051 microcontroller,keil compiler,hardware concepts,stepper motor,robo controls,object detector concepts
    i feel glad if i get reply for this mail.
    thank u

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