2nd 2005f December, 2005

Sorting out your M&M’s

by @ 13:11. Filed under News
M&M sorter
TCS230 is a simple colour sensor from Parallax and they’ve finally found the ultimate usage for it. To sort you M&M’s! Just imagine the possibilities to serve sorted candy when having friends over for the Friday night movie…
Well, what it comes down to is that they have this available in several different kits starting with the frame and then growing to contain the micro controller and the sensors. What they won’t give you is the software and initially they held a contest of who could write the best source code for it. The winner got $300 cash and $200 worth of software.

Link: Parallax M&M sorter contest and kits
Video: Video of the machine sorting M&M’s
[via Make]

2 Responses to “Sorting out your M&M’s”

  1. joe Says:

    On the parallax site you can’t buy the full m&m’s ™ sorter kit.
    does any one know why?

  2. Bill Cambridge Says:

    hi im in year 12 and want to do the m&m sorter “device as my major project…… i would like to know if you would be able to send me a copy of the circuit diagram and all the components needed to make this…. it would be greatly appreciated Sincerely Billy Cambridge

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