7th 2005f August, 2005

Sam, “World’s Ugliest Dog”

by @ 11:30. Filed under News

I didn’t know that dogs coult be this ugly, but apparently they can be… Sam & Susie (his mom) has put up a blog where they among other things link to some live footage taken by CBS. Here are some funny comments that they put in their blog:

    “At first a friend and I looked at it and screamed. . . but after taking a closer look, well still ugly, but probably the sweetest thing.”
    “If they remake the movie “The Omen”, Sam will have a career!”
    “If Satin had a dog, this would be it! He is Ug-ly!”

Read everything about him at

One Response to “Sam, “World’s Ugliest Dog””

  1. mo Says:

    yep its ugly!!

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