5th 2005f August, 2005

200 very handy tips and tricks

by @ 23:39. Filed under News

Some time ago I stubled on this page, and finally I thought that this is actually something for everyone.

It’s plain and simple 200 collected secrets, like sort of grandma’s tips. I don’t know who’s actually collected these – but it’s a really qualitative collection!
Here’s some that I personally like.

  1. Keep potatoes from sprouting – Store apples with them.
  2. What to do about grease spills – Pour ice water over it, it will lift off before it can soak in.
  3. Cheese cutting tips – A dull knife is more successful than a sharp one.
  4. What to do when shoes get stiff – Cut a raw potato and rub all over. They will come back to life
  5. Prevent flowers from fading – Use a few drops of chlorine bleach in water, add an aspirin for life

Read all secrets here

6 Responses to “200 very handy tips and tricks”

  1. harpal Says:

    i cant seem to access the tips/ is tehre a charge for them or free/ if free pls send to me at above email address/tks

  2. Dabhaidh Says:

    This seems to be a get rich quick scam to me

  3. Jackie Says:

    seems to be a scam dude

  4. internet archive Says:

  5. John Maze Says:

    here are more tips and tricks

  6. alex l Says:

    Some of the tips are good, but DO NOT EVER PUT ICE ON A BURN!!!

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