10th 2005f July, 2005

Google and spelling mistakes

by @ 0:07. Filed under News

You just got to admire where Google came from and what it is today. I mean, it can ever guide you in the right direction when you spell something wrong. That’s a good thing! It’s just a shame that people making websites doesn’t spell check their work before publishing – something that a misspelled search on ‘Deaf and hard of hearing’ will show you. Go ahead and try it here.

So, who’s are these websites where the authors can’t spell? The local kinder garden? Well, not really. Boston university and Georgetown university among others – and frankly I would expect more from such institutions 😀

3 Responses to “Google and spelling mistakes”

  1. dirtisgood Says:

    I think in this case we can blame the spelling errors on the spell checker itself. It does not “do” context. Since “dead” is indeed a word, the word processor’s spell checker doesn’t flag it. And since people have become so dependent on spell-checkers instead of actually proof reading documents themselves, these kinds of mistakes get through.

  2. bob Says:

    A grammar checker also seems to be missing:
    “…people making websites DOESEN’T spell check…”

  3. Justin Says:

    Speaking of spelling mistakes, it’s kindergarten not kinder garden.

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