9th 2005f July, 2005

E-mail traffic doubles after London bomb blasts

by @ 13:09. Filed under News
It’s amazing what an wide effect a bombing (like the one in London) can have on all of us outside that area. Everything seems to just stop while everyone just starts thinking about what happened. Offices closes, people turn on the TV, business looses money on lost sales, and the most spoken about subject on the net is “the London Blast” in all it’s shapes and forms.

cNet reports:
A snapshot of e-mail activity from security company MessageLabs found the number of customer e-mails it monitored grew from the average of 500,000 to 1 million an hour after terrorist attacks began.

“Sometime after 9:00 a.m. BST (1 a.m. PDT) we saw e-mail traffic rise,” said Alex Shipp, senior antivirus technologist for MessageLabs. “That’s ignoring spam–that’s half a million legitimate e-mails an hour up to 1 million.

“We don’t know what the traffic is, but we’re guessing that it’s ‘Are you OK?’ and ‘Have you seen the news?’ messages. But that’s based on the e-mails we’ve been getting.”

Vodafone, the U.K.’s largest mobile operator, is asking customers to avoid using their phones following the attacks. All the United Kingdom’s mobile phone networks were intermittently crippled by the sudden rise in calls and text messages early Thursday morning.


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