29th 2005f June, 2005

Build your own Chat-Cord

by @ 21:06. Filed under Projects, Skype, Telephony, VoIP

Ever wanted to connect a regular phone or a wireless phone to your computer to use with Skype or MSN? Jeroen, aka Mr. Blond, has done the thinking for you and has given us the schematics and pictures to do it. It’s easier then you think!

Jeroen Theeuwes writes: “This whole project started with the fact that my girlfriend (we’re not living together) stopped using her home-phoneline (the contract became too expensive for one person), and I didn’t want to have to call her mobile every time, or using those stupid headsets. And as the chat-cord was not an alternative (not available where I live) I started thinking of building my own.” Read about his findings and see how you can build your own.

One Response to “Build your own Chat-Cord”

  1. dimo Says:

    hey this sounds like a really good idea and all but is it possible that you guys can publish a little more straightforward guide with steps and pictures for each step. because i have no idea how to do what is listed above, and i want to learn.

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