16th 2005f June, 2005

Laptop on the wall – WallTop

by @ 11:36. Filed under Hack, Projects, Wireless
WallTop in the middle
Ever wanted to put a laptop in the living room, but the misses didn’t allow it? Have a laptop over and the guts to take it apart?

Then this DIY article is something for you. I will take you step by step though the process of converting an laptop into a WallTop to hang next to your other pictures. Making use of wireless takes away the cable problem, and with no hard drive makes it completely quiet.
And the result is astonishing.

You need a laptop and picture frame and -the guts to do it-!!!

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2 Responses to “Laptop on the wall – WallTop”

  1. Fawn Jotters Says:

    Great project – thanks

  2. NoMoreSnow Says:

    That’s a great idea, I think I may have to send my old PII-400 to the wall.

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