25th 2005f May, 2005

Wireless Skype phone

by @ 22:26. Filed under Projects, Skype, Telephony, VoIP

So, the problem. You have a computer, your friend has a computer, you both have a broadband connection, and you make use of Skype or like the voice chat in MSN or something like this – And – you’re sick and tired to sit by the computer all the time when you talk. And you might even sit with one of these ridiculous headset (hmm, yes I also have one) on your head just because the echo cancellation feature isn’t that great in reality.

Link: DIY Wireless Skype phone

4 Responses to “Wireless Skype phone”

  1. S!xxor Says:

    So, the problem. You have a computer, your friend has a
    computer, you both have a broadband connection, and you make use of Skype or
    like the voice chat in MSN or something like this – And – you’re sick and tired
    to sit by the computer all the time when you talk. And you might even sit with
    one of these ridiculous headset (hmm, yes I also have one) on your head just
    because the echo cancellation feature isn’t that great in reality. (more)

  2. hrnn Says:

    One idea is flying into my brand. If you place one anthena between the base and handset you can get a wireless connection for two computers. Of course connecting each to one of the two PCs. Is that possible?

  3. Chris Says:

    hrnn: I’m not really sure what you want to do? Do you want to use the wireless phone for network wireless traffic???

  4. Andrew Marien Says:

    just wandering if you can use a cellular phone that is no longer in service? if so has anyone done this? and if not will someone try it.

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